
Project Hoyrá is an immersive adventure game built on Unreal Engine 5


Project Hoyrá is a third-person narrative action-adventure game set in a brand new post-apocalyptic fantasy world. You will play as Elduin, who controls the element of water, to try and find a lost civilization supposed to be the last remaining elemental nation.

The French PrismaStone Studio has been developing Project Hoyrá for some time, and the announcement of a demo version is expected, which aims to show the ambition of the entire game and why we can call it a next-generation game:

"At PrismaStone Studio, we are currently working in volunteer cooperation with a team of about twenty artists who work on new creations every day. We are gathered in a team of 22 employees specializing in several technical areas ranging from 2D to 3D who currently live for this game and with the hope that one day we will make a living from it. The goal of the demo, which shows only one aspect of Hoyrá's adventure, is to present a condensed version of the entire game, including narrative, adventure, exploration, combat, and other elements of the game," it says on the official website of the studio.

As Elduin, you will be in control of the precious power of Water O'Navlás. Customize your playstyle to manipulate this element to your advantage, and choose to fight at a distance through various offensive and defensive water spells, or use your dagger to adopt a martial style in close combat.

Hoyrá represents a unique world with original, rich and diverse ecosystems. Like the flora, the fauna has been thoroughly developed within the Hoyrá Project, giving players the opportunity to encounter a variety of species during their journey. Also, some of the creatures may be friendly, while others will be extremely combat-oriented, not hesitating to clash with the player on their own territory.

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