
Paul Green on the future of Venture to the Vile and support for former Cut to Bits team members


As we recently reported on the closure of the Cut to Bits studio, Paul Green, the creative director and co-founder, recently sent an official message via LinkedIn to announce what we can expect from the game Venture to the Vile in the future. He also called on the community to support in finding jobs for the former employees of this studio.

To all of our supporters and friends,

We would like to assure everyone that Studio Cut to Bits is committed to continuing support for Venture to the Vile, and we are actively working on patches to improve the game.

Version 1.0.3 was released on June 19th, which has added features requested by the community and has significantly improved player experience on both PC and Steam Deck. Development on the game will continue for the foreseeable future, and the game is still scheduled to release PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 later on this year.

Although we had to make the difficult decision to offboard the majority of the team following the completion and release of the game’s PC version, we are incredibly proud of the work and want to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone’s passion and hard work in bringing the world of Venture to the Vile to life.

As we move forward, we ask for your support, understanding, and patience as we navigate this transition, while our team continues to make Venture to the Vile the best experience it can be on all available platforms.

We have been doing everything in our power to assist everyone affected by these layoffs in finding new work, and we are extremely grateful for the support other studios in Montreal have given us in helping to give our incredible team new homes.

We ask that for any studios looking to hire, please consider the following people for any open positions in your teams.

Paul Green, Co-Founder and Creative Director

Cut to Bits was founded in 2019 by Masao Kobayashi, lead programmer Tommy Sagala, and creative director Paul Green, all of whom brought extensive experience from their time at Ubisoft. Kobayashi, with nearly 14 years at Ubisoft, had a notable portfolio that included Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Far Cry 3, Rainbow Six Siege, and the now-canceled Hyperscape. Sagala contributed as a gameplay programmer on Far Cry 5 and Far Cry 6, while Green worked on Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (level design), Assassin’s Creed: Origins (quest design), and Far Cry 5.

You can read our review of Venture to the Vile here.

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