
Here is what we learned from Dungeonborne playtest


Steam Next Fest has concluded, signifying the conclusion of playtests for Dungeonborne, the dungeon-crawler title that distinguished itself as the most played demo at this year's event. Below is a summary of what we learned and what players are saying about this game.

Overall, players expressed positive impressions, suggesting that Dungeonborne, in certain segments, surpassed Dark and Darker. However, they noted the similarities and described the game as similar enough, but different: "After spending about a hundred hours in Dark and Darker, I can say that this game is significantly different, but there are also some similarities. Both used assets from the Unreal market. The dynamics of the game, the fight and other elements are completely different", stated one of the players.

Impressions of the maps were quite divided, with some players noting the quality of the size and graphic design of the maps, but noting the uneven distribution of player spawns in different locations: "The only thing I didn't like about the map design was that sometimes you spawn very close to other players, while in other situations you don't see anyone until you're halfway through the map,” noted one player, while another said that “the map is huge and a breath of fresh air with different types of enemies to fight. I like the placement of the Cyclops on top of the cathedral and the single entrance that allows for easier tracking of enemies.”

Dungeonborne #1

In terms of PvE and PvP combat, most players agree that killing enemies is fairly easy, with some stronger than others, but that PvP combat requires some adjustments and balancing: “Killing mobs is pretty easy and they're not too dangerous, except for certain stronger 'bosses'. It seems like you often have to fight other players.” Some expressed dissatisfaction with the PvP experience: “I've had a few good PvP fights, but most of them ended quickly because someone managed to outmaneuver a careless group. It's hard to break away because there aren't many skills in the classes and there's limited mobility."

When it comes to different classes, it is generally agreed that some are stronger than others. For example, Fighter could quickly eliminate opponents if you weren't careful enough, Cryomancer was apparently the "strongest" class, while Priest lagged behind in solo play: “There are no priests in solo play. Not at all. The balance of priests needs to be remade. I'm not sure how the priest works in teamfights. He wasn't the weakest class in D&D, but he was fun to play with. He possessed many skills with different specifications. This was true for both solo and team play.”

Kontrole i mehanike igranja, s druge strane, pokazale su se solidnima: “Kontrole su jednostavne za upotrebu, a kretanje lika djeluje osjetljivo. Da bi se poboljšao tijek igre, trebalo bi riješiti sporadične greške kamere u ograničenim područjima ili tijekom borbe. U areni, kontrole se čine malo manje odzivnima kada sam se pokušao obraniti ili parirati napadu”.

One player even experimented with the hitbox mechanic for quite some time and came to the following conclusion: "Hitboxes for players are perhaps more terrible, and attempting to run three melee characters swinging at PVE monsters often results in the group doing more damage on itself due to careless and utterly deceptive strikes on one another. I can’t express how awful this feels at the moment. It is possible to strike a teammate through a skeleton’s body, and sometimes, blows may even strike party members who are standing behind you. Until this problematic behavior is corrected, it is simply not worth talking about the PVE."

Dungeonborne #3

The major issue players are encountering revolves around hackers: "Hackers are disrupting the game. I was eliminated by a hacker who not only took my gear but also looted the clothes of other players while I attempted to seek cover. He wreaked havoc across the entire map with evident satisfaction. I wasted time and lost enjoyment. Receiving compensation for the time lost would be greatly appreciated."

In addition, many pointed out that teaming players on the solo map is not fair: “Towards the end of the playtest or at a time when there are few players, you come across people who play together in solo mode, help each other, and stream snipe. It is very unfair. And this is a big problem, because you lose pleasure to continue. "

In-game sounds also received mixed reviews: “An update to the in-game sound system would be useful to further enhance the overall experience. There are times when I can't hear the footsteps of enemies rushing towards me, resulting in the death of me or my teammates in an ambush that should have an audible cue behind me before I get hit. On the other hand, I can hear distant enemies hitting mobs in other rooms, while I can't hear characters like priests or any other fighter class approaching me.”

In conclusion, most players agreed that Dungeonborne was fun to play, but that at its core, the game is an exemplary showcase of engaging content and stunning visuals that keep players coming back for more. However, there is a critical imbalance in the game mechanics regarding player equipment that I believe needs to be addressed. Ratings were mostly between 7 and 9, and what will actually become of this game, we should see later this year.

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