
The Kickstarter campaign launched for the platformer Oyster Wars


Joe Nicholson, a solo developer from Technologies Bauldy, launched his Kickstarter campaign last week to raise funds and complete his unique platformer Oyster Wars.

Oyster Wars mixes Celeste's smooth movement and level layout with Legend of Zelda's atmosphere and dungeon style. But, instead of dashing like in Celeste, it focuses on grappling, letting you cling to walls, snag items, and fend off foes. It's known for its challenging platforming and intricate system design, where everything interacts dynamically.

In this game, players will explore twisty dungeons linked to a small open world. Inside these dungeons, you'll have to check maps, find keys, and mess with things like water and moving platforms to solve puzzles. And all this while playing as Wade, a farmer seeking payback on Sven, the CEO of Man's End Oyster Company. Sven drained Wade's home island and left it dirty and deserted, aiming to move his business, leaving people unemployed and nature wrecked.

Also featured in this game is an original atmospheric and customizable soundtrack, puzzle box dungeons that can be solved in any order, and a compact overworld that changes as you progress, along with a modern story.

Kickstarter campaign is already in full swing, with 3,679 of the requested 8,768 dollars collected, and still 25 days to go. The game is expected to be released this fall, and will be available for Steam, Nintendo Switch and

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