
AI LIMIT is a post-apocalyptic soulslike game ready to redefine combat and storytelling in this genre


Gematsu recently interviewed Yang Bin, the producer of AI LIMIT, an action RPG supported by the PlayStation China Hero Project. The game is set to launch for PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam in late 2024. Here are the key points from the interview.

Yang Bin, the producer of AI LIMIT, shared insights about the game’s development. The story revolves around the spread of a strange Mud and the last city of mankind, Havenswell. The Bladers, symbols of life in the wasteland, are central to the game. As players, we take on the role of the protagonist Arrisa, who charmingly captivates this world with her short, light pink hair and post-apocalyptic attire, reflecting her athleticism and the desolation around her.

Players will have access to 20 to 30 types of weapons, each offering different combat styles. For example, the Straight Sword is balanced, while the Double Swords are fast and aggressive. More weapons like the scythe and Tachi will be revealed later. Arrisa’s left hand can use special abilities, such as spells and skills, providing numerous combat strategies. Skills like Counter Field and Piercing Claw allow for diverse fighting styles, making combat more dynamic.

The game features a synchronization system called Sync Rate, replacing the traditional stamina system seen in Soulslike games. This encourages players to focus on quick thinking and adaptability in combat. Combat in AI LIMIT is a blend of agility and grounded action, positioned between Dark Souls III and Bloodborne. Enemies, like the Necros, challenge players with their strength and unique abilities, requiring varied strategies to defeat.

The narrative of AI LIMIT is integrated into the gameplay rather than relying heavily on cutscenes. Players can make choices that influence the story through interactions with NPCs, leading to different endings. The biggest challenge for the development team was the complexity of the project and technical issues due to their inexperience. However, they have overcome these challenges and are now ready to present the game to the world.

Being part of the China Hero Project provided significant benefits, including project management advice, market exposure, and technical support from Sony Interactive Entertainment. The publisher CE-Asia also offered extensive support in marketing, quality assurance, and global distribution. Yang Bin is proud of the world-building in AI LIMIT, particularly the effort to create a convincing fictional world without relying on vegetation. Inspirations for the game came from classic Japanese works like GHOST IN THE SHELL, BLAME!, and AKIRA, incorporating unique design elements.

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