

  • DEVELOPER: sunset visitor 斜陽過客
  • PUBLISHER: Fellow Traveller
  • GENRE: Sci-fi adventure
  • RELEASE DATE: May 9, 2024
  • STARTING PRICE: 19,50 €
  • REVIEWED VERSION: PC, Nintendo Switch

To this day, I'm still unsure which genre to categorize 1000xResist. Technically, it can be described as a sci-fi adventure, a walking simulator with a thought-provoking narrative, or perhaps a visual novel with light puzzles. As you can see, the game blends various elements and was developed by the studio Sunset Visitor. It deals with themes of identity, cultural isolation, and government corruption, and is set in a dystopian future where humanity is forced to live underground due to an alien virus. The protagonist, Watcher, is one of many clones of Iris, the immune AllMother who volunteered for medical testing in hopes of finding a cure. Years later, Watcher lives in the Orchard, a mysterious base where she and her cloned sisters participate in "Communions" to relive Iris's memories. This process gradually reveals the history of Earth and hints at what needs to happen next.

The narrative of 1000xRESIST quickly develops, revealing secrets and regrets across the generations that have befallen Earth. Indeed, the complexity and depth of the story, with numerous twists, will always keep you engaged. The game is designed to support the story, featuring light puzzles that involve time manipulation but never overshadow the narrative. Ultimately, it focuses on exploration and interaction rather than platforming or combat, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the story and characters without distractions.

Ponekad će vas igra izazvati da pronađete izlaz iz određene situacije.
Sometimes the game will challenge you to find a way out of a certain situation.

Story and themes

At first, the story might be hard to follow, but as you progress, things become clearer. The game tackles themes like the psychological effects of diaspora and the challenges of assimilating into new cultures. It also explores the protagonist’s psyche, questioning what it means to be different or even brainwashed. To be honest, most of the time you really won’t be thinking about this stuff while playing, but having some background keeps you interested until the very end.

Visually, 1000xRESIST is a mix of highly polished and rough elements. Some environments look textureless and lifeless, which actually contrasts with moments when certain things look really good. It's simply a mix of everything; the game offers some quality elements, but also has its failed moments. In other words, the indie roots of the game are evident in its design, with some odd character poses and messy textures. While the visuals don't fit every situation, ultimately, this doesn't hinder the gameplay. What really stands out are the professional voice performances for every line of dialogue, giving each clone a distinct personality. This adds to the immersive experience, making each character unique and adding depth to the game.

Grafika igre prilično varira; ponekad izgleda izuzetno dobro, dok u drugim trenucima ne ostavlja takav utisak.
The game's graphics vary quite a bit; sometimes it looks extremely good, while at other times it doesn't leave such an impression.

Gameplay Mechanics

While 1000xResist is mainly a narrative-driven game, it includes several gameplay elements to enhance the story. You engage in basic puzzle-solving and memory exploration during communion sessions, which are straightforward and focus on the narrative rather than challenging your skills. This allows you to witness and interact with important events from different points in the timeline. Generally, you walk around the map, complete various tasks, talk to different characters, find hidden secrets, and explore the world.

Through memory exploration, you can piece together the backstory of the dystopian world, understand the origins of the alien virus, and uncover secrets that impact the present narrative. It’s fascinating to see how different areas of the map change over time, with dramatic shifts in atmosphere and characters. Indeed, you navigate through the memories and experiences of various characters while time travelling, making choices that impact the story's direction. The game is designed so that failure is nearly impossible, allowing you to focus on the unfolding story rather than game mechanics.

A common complaint is the confusing layout of the Orchard, the game's main hub. I often felt lost and frustrated while trying to navigate through its complex design of glass tubes, staircases, and long corridors. This issue detracts from the overall experience as it disrupts the flow of gameplay. The dialogues, especially during the communion sessions where memories are shared, are repetitive and overly cryptic. The symbolic and metaphor-laden conversations can become tiresome and difficult to follow, which affects the pacing of the game.

Primjer jedne zagonetke - morate putovati kroz vrijeme kako bi ih zaobišli.
An example of a puzzle - you have to travel through time to get around them.

Ending thoughts

At certain times, it really can feel like the game is dragging on. There is too much to grasp as the game features numerous characters, many of whom are clones, making it challenging to keep track of who is who and their respective goals. Nevertheless, I liked those small ending moments where you have to connect with each memory bubble to reach the end of the story. Despite some minor flaws, I recommend it to those who enjoy story-rich games and are looking for a deep and reflective gaming experience.

If you're interested in a game that challenges you to think deeply about identity, society, and the human condition, 1000xResist is a must-play. It’s a testament to the creative freedom of indie studios, proving that games can be quite unique and well-received as long as the idea is good enough and you can follow along. It's hard to cover everything this game offers, so the best way is to dive into it yourself.

The ending of 1000xRESIST leans towards cosmic horror, revealing the complex layers of the story as Watcher uncovers the true nature of ALLMOTHER and the fate of humanity. This culmination ties together the game's themes of memory and identity, leaving you with much to ponder and opportunities for self-reflection long after the credits roll.

Final score
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